

Introduction Equipment of manual deminers

Additional use of KMMCS

Standing Operating Procedures SOP

Technical Data

Machine I,  Machine II,  Machine III


Pionierschule und Fachhochschule des Heeres für Bautechnik: Test, 16.02.1992 / Scan page 1 (90 kB), Scan page 2 (166 kB)   Dok 10

*Approval and restrictions for Clearance at inner-German border: Heeresamt 01.03.1993 / Scan 1 (86 kB)   Scan 2 (72 kB)   Dok 11

* Approval for clearance of AP mines at inner-German border 08.03.1993: Fü S IV 1, Az 10-02-05 / Scan Seite 1 (73 kB)    Dok 13

* Statement on the environmental impact of mine clearance operations in the border strip of the former inner-German border: Amt für Wehrgeophysik 16.06.1993   Dok 16

*  6.-10.05.1996 Mozambique english Testreport, english Scans 185 m x 10 m with 264 life mines  Dok 30

*  21.06.1996 Statement Sprengschule Dresden Günter Fricke   Dok 31

*  20.05.1996 Statement DEMIRA - Deutsche Minenräumer e.V. Uwe Silge    Dok 32

*  Oktober 2000 Bundeswehrtest Tender Condition

*  August 95 - May 1996 Mozambique 144,95 ha with more than 20.000 Mines in heaviest minesd area, covered with vegetation: 18.09.1995 Pressrelease of Federal Foreign Office, also given to Embassy in Maputo, Mozambique   Dok 26

*  20.09.1995 Extracts of protocol of 6. meeting of subcommission für desarment and arms control of Bundestag. Statements from VLR Wokalek (several reports), MoP Volker Kröning, Angelika Beer, Hans-Dirk Bierling, Gernot Erler and MDgt. von Butler and OTL i. G. Kunze Dok 25  

*  06.06.1997 Confirmation of Federal Foreign Office about certification from National Commission for Demining (CND) about successful mineclearance operation at 144,95 ha in Mozambique. Dok 46  

* 2000: durch EOD Technology, INC. USA, U.S. Army Engineering & Support Center, Huntsville (USAESCH) auf dem US Truppenübungsplatz in Hohenfels (Bayern) mit 10 ha. Report ,   Overview and Costreport htm , Overview and Costreport pdf


Speed and cost of KMMCS in comparison with humanitarian (manual) deminers.
False certificated as minefree and follow-up of 16Anti-Tank mines by KMMCS

Agricultural Use

  1. Recultivation, Replantation
  2. Forest Fire Preventer
  3. Soil Improvement
  4. Soil Rehabilitation
  5. First Areal Use
  6. Counteract Desertification
  7. Soil Improvement by adapted Terra Preta
  8. Dust Reduction
  9. Soil Compaction


Search Engine


old IMAS with demand for 99,6% clearance as standard


US Army Corps of Engineers


Trenner Presentation "MECHANICAL DEMINING The solution for a mined world" (Größe 1,03 MB, pdf)

About us

separator Philosophy: how we think, what drives us
separator Logo: the elements of our Logo and what we want to express with it
separator History: some views into the development and the historic background of the inventor of the Mine Clearance System
separator Market: the segments where to use the machines
separator Sale: and Service
separator Management: Qualification of personell
separator Liability: insurance matters in clearance operations
separator Chronology Mozambique (1995 until 2002)
separator pictures from Mozambique: Por nossos companheiros em Mozambique


KMMCS - Maschinelle Minenräumung und Bodensanierung
(KMMCS - Mechanical Mine Clearance and Soil Rehabilitation)
Tobias Steidle
Am Ehrenhain 2
D-38678 Clausthal
Tel.: +49 (0) 5323 92 21 55
Fax: +49 (0) 5323 92 21 56
Mobil: +49 (0) 170 9988 170
E-Mail contact

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