Introduction Equipment of manual deminers |
Machine I, Machine II, Machine III |
und Fachhochschule des Heeres für Bautechnik: Test,
Speed and cost of KMMCS in comparison with humanitarian (manual) deminers. |
Contents |
old IMAS with demand for 99,6% clearance as standard |
US Army Corps of Engineers http://hq.environmental.usace.army.mil/newsinfo/current/archive/vol2_no1.pdf | |
KMMCS - Maschinelle Minenräumung und Bodensanierung
(KMMCS - Mechanical Mine Clearance and Soil Rehabilitation)
Tobias Steidle
Am Ehrenhain 2
D-38678 Clausthal
Tel.: +49 (0) 5323 92 21 55
Fax: +49 (0) 5323 92 21 56
Mobil: +49 (0) 170 9988 170
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